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Hell (IPA: /ˈhɛɫ/)

Hell (v. t.)

The place of the dead, or of souls after death; the grave; -- called in Hebrew sheol, and by the Greeks hades.

Hell (v. t.)

The place or state of punishment for the wicked after death; the abode of evil spirits. Hence, any mental torment; anguish.

Hell (v. t.)

A place where outcast persons or things are gathered

Hell (v. t.)

A dungeon or prison; also, in certain running games, a place to which those who are caught are carried for detention.

Hell (v. t.)

A gambling house.

Hell (v. t.)

A place into which a tailor throws his shreds, or a printer his broken type.

Hell (v. t.)

To overwhelm.


Mythological place of, often eternal, suffering


2011 film


2010 film by Luis Estrada


Lunar crater


Album by Venom

Hell Synonyms


Hell Synonyms


Hell Synonyms

Infernal Region, Scheol, Hell, Underworl, Netherworld, Hel, Hades

Hell Synonyms

Infernal Region, Pi, Perdition, Hell, Nether Region, Inferno

Hell Synonyms

Hell On Earth, The Pits, Snake Pit, Inferno, Hellhole

Hell Synonyms


Hell Rhymes

Behl, Bel, Bell, Belle, Cel, Cell, Chell, Clell, Del, Dell, Delle, Dwell, Dwelle, Ehle, El, Ell, Elle, Fehl, Fel, Fell, Frel, Gehl, Gel, Gell, Grell, Grelle, Guel, Hehl, Hell, Helle, Jell, Kehl, Kell, Kjell, Knell, Krell, L, L. Lehl, Mehl, Mel, Mell, Melle, Nel, Nell, Nelle, Pehl, Pell, Pelle, Prell, Quell, Schell, Schmehl, Schnell, Schnelle, Sell, Selle, Shell, Smell, Snell, Spell, Stell, Stelle, Strehl, Strehle, Swell, Tel, Tell, Well, Welle, Yell, Yelle, Zel, Zell, Zelle

Accel, Adel, Adele, Adell, Adelle, Adwell, Akel, Ancel, Angelle, Ansel, Antell, Anwell, Apel, Ardelle, Arel, Armel, Arnelle, Arvel, Atwell, Axtell, Bandshell, Bardell, Battelle, Bechtel, Bedel, Befell, Bendel, Beutel, Bignell, Bodell, Boutell, Boutelle, Bozell, Bracknell, Brownell, Brunelle, Bucknell, Burdell, Burrell, Buzzell, Cabell, Cantrell, Cantrelle, Capelle, Carel, Carmel, Cartel, Carvel, Cattell, Caudell, Cavell, Chanel, Chapell, Chapelle, Chappelle, Compel, Cordell, Corel, Corell, Cornell, Cornelle, Cosell, Cotelle, Cottrell, Danelle, Daniele, Dantrell, Darnell, Darrelle, Decelle, Desselle, Develle, Dispel, Dispell, Dovel, Edell, Elwell, Estelle, Excel, Expel, Ezell, Ezelle, Farewell, Fascell, Faupel, Ferrel, Fidel, Foretell, Frenzel, Futrell, Gabel, Gazelle, Get-well, Ginnell, Giselle, Gravelle, Grinnell, Gsell, Harpel, Hillel, Hormel, Hornell, Hotel, Impel, Intel, Irell, Janelle, Joelle, Labell, Labelle, Landell, Lapel, Lavelle, Leavelle, Ledwell, Lemelle, Leonelle, Lobell, Loisel, Loiselle, Lyell, Mabelle, Madelle, Mantell, Manuel, Marcel, Marcelle, Markel, Martelle, Marvell, Marvelle, Matell, Mattel, Maxell, Maybelle, Mckell, Mendell, Mentel, Michel, Michele, Michelle, Miguel, Mirell, Mirelle, Misspell, Mizel, Mizelle, Montel, Morel, Morrell, Moselle, Motel, Mousel, Mozelle, Nadel, Nevel, Niguel, Nobel, Noel, Noelle, Nouvelle, Novell, Noxell, O'dell, Octel, Odell, Outsell, Ozelle, Pantel, Pastel, Patel, Percell, Pesnell, Postrelle, Procell, Propel, Purcell, Quesnel, Rachelle, Rampell, Randell, Rangel, Ransdell, Raquel, Ravel, Rebel, Repel, Resell, Retell, Revelle, Rintel, Rochelle, Romelle, Rozelle, Rudelle, Ruelle, Sabel, Samelle, Savel, Sawtelle, Scurdell, Sentelle, Sharell, Sheftel, Shirell, Shirelle, Shortell, Sibelle, Stinel, Sydell, Tavel, Torell, Twaddell, Tyrrell, Udelle, Ul, Unsell, Uzzell, Vandaele, Varvel, Vaupel, Vertel, Wachtell, Waddell, Warrell, Zumel

Aol, Avenel, Carrasquel, Clientele, Danielle, Esquibel, Esquivel, Gabriele, Isabell, Jeanmichele, Kal, Lyondell, Marcantel, Mirabel, Montiel, Orabel, Personnel, Rafael, Raphael, Riopel, Sanmiguel

Aix-la-chapelle, Industrielle, Mademoiselle, Materiel, Nepl
Anfal, Antipersonell

Hell (Last Name / Surname)

Hell is the #55,121 most common last name / surname from the 2010 United States Census. The census reported that 373 people had that surname.

Spanish Translation

Hell in Spanish is Infierno

Tagalog Translation

Hell in Tagalog is Imperno

Example Sentence (Quote)

" "Dammit, where the hell are these guys? They're nowhere to be found." - Markiplier

Example Sentence (Quote)

" "Desire can attain the darkest human terror and give an actual ideal of hell and its horror ."" - Octave Mirbeau

Example Sentence (Quote)

" "In Hell you become what you fear yourself to be. In Heaven you may become what you hope yourself to be ," said Lucifer." - Michael Moorcock

Example Sentence (Quote)

" (After swatting at Nanase's hair and Nanase asking what the hell she was doing)" - El Goonish Shive

Example Sentence (Quote)

" (talking about Marv Albert) Marv, Marv, Marv, Marv, Marv, Marv, Marv. This is God, what the HELL were you thinking?!?" - Denis Leary

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