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Chore (IPA: /ˈtʃɔɹ/)

Chore (n.)

A small job; in the pl., the regular or daily light work of a household or farm, either within or without doors.

Chore (v. i.)

To do chores.

Chore (n.)

A choir or chorus.



Chore Synonyms

Task, Job

Chore Rhymes

Baur, Boar, Boer, Bohr, Bore, Borre, Chore, Clore, Coar, Cohr, Cor, Core, Corps, Corr, D'or, Doerr, Dohr, Door, Dore, Dorr, Drawer, Faure, Floor, Flor, Flore, For, Fore, Four, Glor, Glore, Goar, Gore, Gorr, Hoar, Hoare, Hoerr, Horr, Knorr, Kohr, Laur, Laure, Loar, Loehr, Lohr, Lor, Lore, Mohr, Moore, Mor, More, Morr, Nohr, Nor, Oar, Ohr, Or, Ore, Orr, Por, Pore, Porr, Pour, Roar, Roehr, Rohr, Saur, Schnorr, Schor, Schorr, Scor, Score, Shore, Shorr, Snore, Soar, Sor, Sore, Spaur, Spore, Stoehr, Stohr, Store, Storr, Swore, Thor, Tor, Tore, Torr, Torre, Vore, War, Warr, Whore, Woehr, Wor, Wore, Yore, Your

Abhor, Ador, Adore, Afore, Amour, Ashore, Bator, Before, C4, Cat-4, Decor, Delore, Deplore, Devor, Dior, Elnore, Explore, Gabor, Galore, Gilgore, Hardcore, Ignore, Igor, Implore, Inscore, Inshore, Jambor, Labore, Lahore, Lalor, Lamaur, Lazor, Lenore, Livor, Longcor, M4, Mazor, Melor, Ngor, Noncore, Offshore, Outpour, Outscore, Postwar, Prewar, Rapport, Restore, Roquemore, Rumore, Sedor, Senor, Timor

Antiwar, Anymore, Armentor, Balthazor, Guarantor, Heretofore, Livermore, Montefiore, Paramore, Underscore

Cavalli-sfor, Espectador, Montemayor, Sotomayor

Spanish Translation

Chore in Spanish is Faena

Tagalog Translation

Chore in Tagalog is Gawain Sa Bahay

Example Sentence (Quote)

" Não chore sobre o leite derramado." - Portuguese proverbs

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